Ball Closure Rings

BCR (45)
Piercing Ring (3)
Jewellery Size
1.0 x 8mm (1)
1.0 x 12mm (1)
1.2 x 6mm (7)
1.2 x 7mm (6)
1.2 X 8mm (16)
1.2 x 8mm (16)
1.2 x 9mm (6)
1.2 x 10mm (9)
1.2 x 11mm (4)
1.2 x 12mm (3)
1.6 x 7mm (1)
1.6 x 8mm (10)
1.6 x 10mm (12)
1.6 x 12mm (12)
1.6 x 14mm (10)
1.6 x 16mm (1)
1.6 x 19mm (1)
2 x 19mm (1)
2.4 x 10mm (1)
2.4 x 14mm (2)
2.4 x 16mm (2)
2.4 x 19mm (2)
2.4 x 22mm (2)
3.2 x 12mm (1)
4 x 10mm (1)
1.2mm (1)
Bar Colour
Black (5)
Blue (8)
Gold (5)
Multicoloured (4)
Pink (3)
Purple (3)
Silver (18)
Gem Colour
Pink (4)
Purple (1)
Transparent (1)
Turquoise (1)
Black (1)
Blue (1)
Metallic (1)
Jewellery Gauge
1.0mm/18g (1)
1.2mm/16g (27)
1.6mm/14g (14)
2.0mm/12g (1)
2.4mm/10g (3)
3.2mm/7g (1)
4mm/6g (1)
Jewellery Diameter / Length
6mm (7)
10mm (26)
8mm (26)
12mm (16)
9mm (6)
11mm (5)
14mm (11)
7mm (7)
16mm (2)
18mm (1)
19mm (4)
22mm (2)
Jewellery Material
Polished Titanium (2)
14K Gold (2)
Black Titanium (3)
Coloured Titanium (19)
Rose Gold (1)
Surgical Steel (15)
Steel (1)
Plasma Gold (3)
Titanium (2)

Ball Closure Rings

48 products found.
Per Page
Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 2.4mm BCR, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 2.4mm BCR (Gold)
Surgical Steel Amethyst Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Amethyst)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2.4mm Silver BCR, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2.4mm BCR (Silver)
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Fuchsia BCR, Piercing
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Fuchsia)
Surgical Steel Jet Black Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Jet Black)
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Rose BCR, Piercing Hoop
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Rose)
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.0mm Rose Gold Plated BCR, Body Piercing UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.0mm Gold Plated BCR (Rose)
Flat Crystal Jewelled 1.2mm X 8mm  BCR, Ball Closure Ring, Piercing Jewellery
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Crystal)
Flat Zircon Blue Jewelled 1.2mm x 8 BCR, Ball Closure Ring, Piercing Jewellery
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Zircon)
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 2.4mm BCR, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 2.4mm BCR (Silver)
Surgical Steel BCR 4mm x 10mm | Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 4mm x 10mm BCR (Silver)
Surgical Steel BCR 3.2mm x 12mm | Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 3mm x 12mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 X 8mm Snake Hinged Segment Ring (Clear)| Body Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 x 8mm Snake Hinged Segment Ring (Clear)
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 x 8mm Twisted Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)| Body Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 x 8mm Twisted Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Polished Titanium 1.6mm BCR, Body Piercing Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 1.6mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Black Steel PVD 1.2mm BCR, Ball Closure Ring, Piercing UK
Blue Banana Steel PVD 1.2mm BCR (Black)
Flat Fuchsia Jewelled 1.2mm BCR, Ball Closure Ring, Piercing Jewellery
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 10mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Fuchsia)
Flat Rose Jewelled 1.2mm BCR, Ball Closure Ring, Piercing Jewellery
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 10mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Rose)
1.2mm Coloured Titanium Rainbow BCR, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm BCR (Multicoloured)
Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Purple BCR, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm BCR (Purple)
Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Dark Blue BCR, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm BCR (Dark Blue)
Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Turquoise BCR, Body Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm BCR (Turquoise)
The ball closure ring or BCR is a relatively recent invention that can be worn in many different kinds of piercings. This includes ear piercings, lip piercings, nose piercings and several others. Whilst BCRs are a modern addition to body jewellery, they are also one of the most versatile. Not only can you wear BCRs in single piercings all over the body, but they can also be worn with orbital and other piercings that feature two holes.

What is a BCR piercing?

A BCR piercing stands for Ball Closure Ring. This is a type of ring or hoop piercing jewellery that is secured using a small ball. The two elements of the BCR, the ring and the ball, create a pressure hold that keeps the jewellery in place.

How does a ball closure ring work?

A BCR or Ball Closure Ring works by using the tension between the ring and the ball to hold the jewellery in place. The BCR ball has small grooves into which the ends of the ring are placed. The pressure between the ball and the ring holds the BCR in place.

How do you open a BCR ring?

To open a BCR ring you need to release the tension on the ball. This can be done by pulling or twisting the ring of the BCR in order to release the ball. Alternatively, you can use BCR pliers, which are similar to long nose pliers, to gently open the Ball Closure Ring. This will ease the ring open and allow the ball to be taken out.

How do I change my BCR piercing?

To change your BCR piercing you need to release the pressure on the ball that is held in place by the ring in order to remove it. This can be done by either twisting or gently pulling apart the ring. Take care not to pull the ring too far apart because when you want to re-insert your BCR you will need to squeeze the ring closed on the ball once you have placed it in your piercing. Make sure to line up the dimple or groove in the ball with the end of your ring to keep the Ball Closure Ring securely in place.

If you want to regularly change your BCR you may want to purchase ball closure ring pliers to help with this process.

How do you get a ball closure ring out of your ear?

It can be difficult to get a ball closure ring out of your ear, especially because the jewellery is likely to be quite small and quite close to the ear. To get your BCR out of your ear you must remove the ball which is held between the ends of the ring. Contrary to common belief, the BCR does not use a screw-in method but instead uses small indents in the ball to hold the ring in place, simply using pressure. Captive bead ring removal can be difficult so don’t be afraid to ask for help from your piercer.

How do you put on a closure ring?

It can be difficult to put on a closure ring. You may want to practice without putting it in your piercing at first or ask someone else to help you. Using a mirror can also be helpful when putting on a closure ring because you will need to line up the ends of the ring with the dimple in the ball of the piercing jewellery. You can then squeeze it shut so that the ends of the BCR ring are held against the ball. This will hold your ball closure ring in place.

Captive bead ring vs ball closure ring

The captive bead ring and ball closure ring are the same types of piercing jewellery. Both work by placing the ends of the ring into an indent on the ball in order to hold it in place. They are also sometimes shortened to be known as CBR or BCR. The captive bead ring is occasionally known as a captive ball ring but all these variants refer to the same type of piercing ring.

Do captive bead rings fall out?

Captive Ball Rings can fall out but it is unusual for this to happen. The CBR piercing is held in place using the pressure between the ring and the ball so unless the ring opens the ball will not fall out. If you are worried that your CBR is becoming loose you can gently squeeze the ring to ensure each end is firmly held in the dimple of the ball.

As BCRs are such a popular type of jewellery for a number of piercings, we make sure to keep plenty of colours and styles in stock at Blue Banana. Our Ball Closure Rings come in a variety of sizes, materials, and colours so you can choose CBRs that will suit your style and needs.