Spiral Piercing Jewellery

Barbells (32)
BCR (13)
Labret (78)
Piercing Ring (32)
Threadless Top (70)
Jewellery Size
None (8)
One Size (5)
Standard (12)
1.0 x 8mm (5)
1.0 x 10mm (2)
1.0 x 12mm (1)
1.2 x 6mm (30)
1.2 x 7mm (1)
1.2 X 8mm (130)
1.2 x 8mm (130)
1.2 x 10mm (35)
1.2 x 12mm (12)
1.6 x 6mm (7)
1.6 x 7mm (2)
1.6 x 8mm (14)
1.6 x 10mm (18)
1.6 x 12mm (16)
1.6 x 14mm (10)
1.6 x 16mm (6)
1.6 x 18mm (3)
1.6 x 19mm (1)
1.6 x 20mm (9)
1.6 x 22mm (10)
1.6 x 25mm (1)
1.6 x 28mm (1)
1.6 x 30mm (7)
1.6 x 32mm (1)
1.6 x 35mm (9)
1.6 x 40mm (8)
1.6 x 45mm (1)
2 x 19mm (1)
2.4 x 10mm (1)
2.4 x 14mm (2)
2.4 x 16mm (2)
2.4 x 19mm (2)
2.4 x 22mm (2)
1.2mm (1)
2mm (1)
2.5mm (1)
3mm (9)
4mm (7)
5mm (4)
6mm (2)
8mm (1)
10mm (1)
Bar Colour
Black (13)
Blue (8)
Gold (83)
Multicoloured (6)
White Gold (2)
Pink (1)
Purple (4)
Silver (106)
Transparent (2)
Turquoise (1)
Gem Colour
Pink (19)
Purple (6)
Red (2)
Transparent (33)
White (3)
Black (2)
Blue (23)
Gold (2)
Multicoloured (10)
Green (1)
Jewellery Type
Curved Barbell (16)
Seamless Ring (1)
Jewellery Gauge
0.8mm/21g (2)
1.0mm/18g (8)
1.2mm/16g (145)
1.6mm/14g (26)
2.0mm/12g (1)
2.4mm/10g (3)
Jewellery Diameter / Length
6mm (40)
10mm (63)
8mm (159)
12mm (30)
9mm (3)
14mm (11)
7mm (4)
16mm (10)
18mm (5)
19mm (4)
30mm (8)
35mm (9)
40mm (8)
20mm (8)
22mm (11)
25mm (1)
28mm (1)
Jewellery Material
Polished Titanium (50)
14K Gold (20)
Acrylic (1)
Black Titanium (8)
Coloured Titanium (20)
Rose Gold (3)
Surgical Steel (65)
Steel (5)
Plasma Gold (39)
9ct Gold (10)
Silver (5)
Titanium (1)

Spiral Piercing Jewellery

233 products found.
Per Page
Surgical Steel 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Crystal Squares Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Hoop
Blue Banana Crystal Squares Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Crystal Flower Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Hoop Jewellery
Blue Banana Crystal Flower Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Crystal Star Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring | Hoop Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Crystal Star Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Steel Opal Heart Hinged Segment Ring | Septum Clicker
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Heart Hinged Segment Ring (Opal)
Rose Gold Half Opal Hinged Segment Ring | Septum Clicker
Blue Banana Rose Gold 1.2mm Hinged Segment Ring (Half Opal)
3 Large Crystals Rose Gold Segment Ring | Septum Clicker
Blue Banana 3 Large Crystals 1.2mm Rose Gold Segment Ring (Rose Gold)
Teal Titanium 1.6mm Barbell, Body Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Teal)
Matt Black Titanium 1.6mm Barbell. Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Matt Black)
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Fuchsia BCR, Piercing
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Fuchsia)
Surgical Steel Jet Black Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Jet Black)
Surgical Steel Amethyst Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Amethyst)
Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Rose BCR, Piercing Hoop
Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Rose)
Steel 1.2mm Rose Ball Curved Barbell, Daith Piercing
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Rose Ball)
Steel 1.2mm Aqua Ball Curved Barbell, Daith Piercing
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Aqua Ball)
Steel 1.2mm Zircon Ball Curved Barbell, Eyebrow Jewellery
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Zircon Ball)
Steel 1.2mm Capri Ball Curved Barbell, Eyebrow Jewellery
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Capri Ball)
Fuchsia Pink Coloured 1.6mm Titanium Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Fuchsia)
Steel 1.2mm Crystal Ball Curved Barbell, Daith Piercing
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Crystal Ball)
Silver Hinged Segment Ring Body Piercing Jewellery | Blue Banana UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.6mm Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium Turquoise Barbell, Body Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Turquoise)
Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Matt Black Labret, Piercing Bar
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Labret (Matt Black)
Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Teal Labret, Piercing Bar
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Labret (Teal)
Spiral helix piercing is a multi-hole piercing that is also known as a triple helix. The spiral helix simply describes the type of jewellery rather than the piercing. It means you have connected multiple (anything from two or more piercings) with a single piece of spiral jewellery. If you are looking to customise your triple helix piercing you can also wear it with multiple BCRs, curved barbells or labrets.

If you are purchasing spiral cartilage piercing jewellery you need to make sure there are the right number of spirals for the number of piercing holes you have. You will need one full circle of the spiral jewellery per piercing hole. Make sure the diameter of the jewellery is also the correct size so that it will sit snugly within the rim of your ear.

It is easier to think of the spiral piercing as belonging to a family of piercings, especially since this style of piercing jewellery can be worn in a range of different locations and number of holes for example the triple cartilage piercing and double helix spiral piercing.

What is spiral piercing?

A spiral piercing is usually an ear piercing that consists of multiple piercing holes connected by a single piece of spiral jewellery which twists through each hole and around the rim of the ear. These holes should be evenly spaced as twisted barbells come with a set amount of give and a piercing being too far apart will cause discomfort during wear.  The most common place to wear spiral jewellery is in a helix piercing cluster.

How do you put in a spiral cartilage earring?

Once your piercings have healed, you can insert your spiral cartilage earring. Before you start, make sure you have cleaned the jewellery. You may also want to take the opportunity to clean your piercing. Start with the hole that is the furthest away from your head or at the base of your ear rim. Take the threaded ball off one end of the spiral jewellery and take care not to lose it. Start slowly feeding the jewellery through each hole, taking care not to move the ear more than necessary. Once you have reached the final hole make sure the jewellery is even at both ends and screw the ball back in.

How to change a helix piercing?

Some people find cartilage ear piercings are difficult to change due to their location. Helix earrings are usually fastened with a screwed thread. If the ball is loose enough you should be able to unthread your jewellery using your fingers. However, if you find that it won’t move you may need the help of jewellery pliers. Make sure you only use pliers that are specifically for removing piercing jewellery and that they are sanitised. If you aren’t sure about changing your piercing jewellery then visit one of our Blue Banana stores and our piercers will help you change your jewellery.

How to remove a spiral piercing?

A spiral piercing may take longer to remove than a barbell, labret or BCR. Unscrew the end of the jewellery closest to your head or the top of the rim of your ear then take the opposite end of the jewellery and start to twist the spiral out of each hole. Make sure you take your time and move the jewellery gently so you don’t irritate your piercings. Make sure you don’t lose the ball you have removed. Remember, cartilage piercings can begin to shrink after only an hour without jewellery so get your other jewellery ready to put into your piercings, especially if your piercing has recently healed. 

Does a triple helix piercing hurt?

During the initial piercing, you will experience pain while the needle is going through your cartilage. This is normal and is not usually any more painful than other ear cartilage piercings. Your helix piercing may also hurt after piercing due to some swelling, which is completely normal. Triple helix pain could occur if aftercare is not correctly followed so make sure you regularly clean your new piercing and do not change the jewellery until your piercer has advised.

How long does a triple helix piercing take to heal?

Triple helix piercings take 6-8 months to heal completely with the correct aftercare. Some people opt to have the helix piercings one at a time as this allows room for swelling and will give your body the chance to heal between each piercing, in which case the overall process will take longer.

If you want to use spiral piercing jewellery in your triple helix piercing you will need to wait until all the holes are fully healed before attempting to insert this jewellery. Connecting piercings together can lead to some pulling which will hinder healing in fresh piercings.

How much does a triple helix piercing cost?

Triple helix piercing cost can be quite high as you are likely to pay the price of each cartilage piercing individually. A single helix piercing can cost £30 - £35 however you may find some stores offer special prices for multiple piercings. How much it will cost usually reflects the experience needed by the piercer to perform a piercing.

How to heal a helix?

Helix piercings, like all cartilage piercings, take time to fully heal. This is because the ear cartilage does not have its own blood vessels. Make sure you clean your piercing twice a day for 6 – 8 months using a saltwater solution or Tea Tree Oil. Make sure you have chosen high quality jewellery that is hypoallergenic to reduce swelling and irritation and make sure not to knock or put pressure on your new helix piercing.

Does helix piercing hurt more than lobe?

The helix piercing tends to hurt more than the lobe. Everyone experiences pain differently but people tend to describe a lobe piercing as a pinch whereas a cartilage ear piercing will give more of a sharp pain. This is due to the different types of tissue. The cartilage is thicker and harder therefore, naturally, it will hurt more. However, the helix piercing is not considered the most painful piercing so it is often recommended as the next piercing to get after lobes.

As you can see there are a variety of ways to step up your helix piercing. The triple helix piercing is becoming more popular due to the rise in constellation piercings which are a carefully curated collection of piercings usually adorned with themed jewellery to create an overall visual aesthetic.

Want to know more about piercing in general? Head to our Piercing Guides to read more FAQs answers.