Magenta Hair Dye

Hair Colour
Pink (6)
Red (1)
Crazy Color Hair Dye (5)
La Riche Directions (6)
Manic Panic (6)
Manic Panic Classic (5)
Vegan Friendly
Yes (16)
No (0)

Magenta Hair Dye

17 products found.
Per Page
La Riche Directions Tulip Hair Dye | Vegan Semi Permanent Colour Multipack
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 4 Pack 88ml (Tulip)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Hot Hot Pink Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Hot Hot Pink)
Crazy Color Cyclamen Red Hair Dye | Semi Permanent Colour
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 100ml (Cyclamen Red)
Crazy Color Cyclamen Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 4 Pack 100ml
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 4 Pack 100ml (Cyclamen Red)
Crazy Color Pinkissimo Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 4 Pack 100ml
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 4 Pack 100ml (Pinkissimo)
Crazy Color Pinkissimo Hair Dye | Semi Permanent Colour
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 100ml (Pinkissimo)
La Riche Directions Tulip Hair Dye | Purple Vegan Semi Permanent Colour
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Tulip)
La Riche Directions Pink Carnation Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Multipack
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 4 Pack 100ml(Pink Carnation)
La Riche Directions Flamingo Pink Colour Hair Dye Kit, Hair Dye UK 88ml
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye Kit 88ml (Flamingo)
La Riche Directions Carnation Pink Hair Dye | Semi Permanent Vegan Colour
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Carnation Pink)
La Riche Directions Flamingo Pink Hair Dye | Semi-Permanent Vegan Colour
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Flamingo Pink)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Cleo Rose Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Cleo Rose)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Pretty Flamingo Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Pretty Flamingo)
Crazy Color Rebel UV 4 Pack | Bright Pink Hair Dye
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 4 Pack 100ml (Rebel UV)
Manic Panic Amplified Semi Permanent Hot Hot Pink Colour Hair Dye, Hair Dye UK
Manic Panic Amplified Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 118ml (Hot Hot Pink)
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi-Permanent Pink Hair Dye | Pink Hair Colour
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ML (Pussycat Pink)
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi-Permanent Pink Hair Dye | Pink Hair Colour
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ML (Pink Warrior)

Have you ever wanted to take the plunge with your hair and dye it a crazy, bold color? It’s normal to be nervous at first when picking such a vibrant color, but one you take the plunge, you will love it. You should embrace having a bold colored hair and know how to style it how you like, having a crazy color makes it easier to keep up with the latest trends and look your highest A-game.

Magenta hair is extremely popular and has been growing in popularity since it first became a trend a few years ago. It’s not a natural hair color so it means that if you want to achieve the ultimate trendy hair look, you’re going to need the best magenta hair dye no matter what your original hair color is.

From celebrities like Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato to Jade Twirl and many other, the younger generation of musicians and actresses has really helped to grow the popularity of pink hair by wearing it to big red-carpet events and their own concerts. Millions of women have followed their ways and joined in by dyeing their hair all different shades of beautiful magenta.

Typically, magenta is a mix of red and purple shades and magenta hair dye is most often seen as a pink shade. Buying a temporary hair color will most likely result in a lighter color so your magenta is more likely to be a pink color than a darker shade. Don’t worry if you want to go for dark magenta hair as we also have plenty of dyes that will be your best friend during your hair dyeing journey.

When picking your dye, you need to take a few things into consideration including your budget, the brand and its reputation, and the likelihood of the magenta hair dye taking to your natural hair color. Once you’ve done some research on everything you need to know, you’ll be ready to buy your perfect shade and box dye.

We’ve created this article to advise you on the best way that you can create the ultimate magenta color hair look, whether you have naturally light hair or dark hair. After your dye is all applied you’ll need to know how to maintain it and style it, that’s pretty much what you’ll learn if you read the rest of this article.

How to Dye Your Hair

Dyeing your hair is quite universal and is similar for many colors, especially those that are a bold color. Whilst you might not need to leave the dye on for as long with a natural hair colored dye, with a color like magenta, you’ll need to make sure you take all the necessary precautions to get the color to last as long as possible and look great. If you’re looking at magenta hair dye for dark hair, then you might need to bleach your hair before you put on the magenta hair dye, otherwise if your hair is lighter then you won’t need to use bleach. The lighter your hair is, the better the magenta color hair will come out.

There are a few quick and easy steps to dyeing your hair a beautiful color like magenta; before you take any of the steps make sure your hair hasn’t been washed for a few days as the color will cling to your hair better. If you’re bleaching your hair before applying the dye, then make sure you do it around 2 or 3 days before and leave it to settle and get dirty again. You can always wash your hair properly after the dye has been applied. If you’re dyeing your hair with a temporary hair color and you want it to last, then using color-protect hair shampoo and conditioner will make it last longer. If you have thick or long hair then you’ll also need 2 or more boxes, especially

  1. Set everything up, make sure you have a towel and enough hair dye for all your hair. Magenta hair dye UK is available, so you should have enough to cover your hair all-over.
  2. Once you’ve mixed the box dye together then you can get started and section your hair into 4 parts. Use plastic clips to secure in place to the top of your head and start at the bottom of your head.
  3. Use the gloves provided in the hair dye and brush through the color from the roots, make sure the hair is covered with plenty of dye.
  4. Leave it on for the specified time; normally this is between 45 minutes and 1 hour.
  5. Then rinse out with warm water, keep the water running until the water runs clear and then you can wash your hair if you wish.

Style Tips for Magenta Hair

Magenta hair looks amazing when it’s styled and there are a few particularly nice styles that look even better when you’ve got a crazy hair color like magenta. Style with curls or straighten it for different looks and occasions. A classic, trendy style is putting half up in a bun and leaving the rest curly and to flow down. You can even mix it up a little bit and put a braid in your hair too; they look classy and can change any look from casual to up-beat and party ready!

If you’ve decided to go for a temporary hair color such as magenta, then you need to make the most of your hair color while it lasts. You can do this with some crazy styles. Leaving your hair down with a magenta color will also have a great effect; it’s easy to live with and will look good on Instagram. So what more would you want? For those beauties that go for dark magenta hair, it will look its best in the winter. The lighter colors will look really great in the summertime. To be honest though, whatever the weather or season, you should be able to rock the magenta hair look.