What is Techwear?
Techwear is a rather small and unique subculture of clothing, focusing on utilitarian fashion that prioritises technical performance and functionality. It is often blended with a sleek, minimalist and futuristic aesthetic that has led to nicknames such as Techninjas. Techwear often takes functional design elements from outdoor and military clothing and incorporates them into everyday streetwear looks.
What’s the history of Techwear?
Techwear is often confused with cyberpunk, however, it is easier to think of cyberpunk as an umbrella term. Cyberpunk is a science-fiction subgenre that involves a dystopian, futuristic setting focusing on a combination of a low-quality of life with super-advanced technology. Many counterculture groups have taken inspiration from cyberpunk style, such as steampunk which combines anachronistic technology and an alternate historical period (often Victorian) in a dystopian universe; and cybergoths, a movement in the 1990s that combined rave and goth influences to create a unique subsection of fashion. Cybergoth and cyberpunk have clear influences on Techwear, as although it is less concerned with dystopian elements, the futuristic styling derives from cybergoth culture. Cybergoth was greatly diminished after the 90s and early 2000s, but some believe that it evolved into Techwear.
However, others disagree that Techwear only has roots in cybergoth dance culture. According to some, technological advances in textiles during the Second World War, as well as struggles with rationing, inspired the real beginnings of Techwear. Nylon was developed a few years before the outbreak of war, and it was a revolutionary development as the first wholly synthetic fabric that was stronger with more heat or water resistance than any previous man-made fabric. During the war, the British government eventually started to ration the use of supplies and factory space, limiting styles, fabric usage and detailing to boost product efficiency. These are certainly core values and characteristics of Techwear - functionality and practicality. Technology joined these values with the invention of Gore-Tex in 1969, a lightweight waterproof but breathable fabric membrane that allows water vapours to pass through whilst blocking liquid. Despite the varying claims on Techwears origins, it has established a small but solid place in contemporary fashion.
Techware Today
Today, Techwear is still focused on efficiency and functionality, however, it balances the line between function and fashion. Although the community is small, it has become a subgroup of fashion which means that there is a theme followed in the clothing, an idea that brings people together and attracts others. There is something about the style of clothing that stands out to people, which means it doesn’t forsake all sense of fashion to achieve the most practicality. Forerunning Techwear sites often have a shadowy and moody aesthetic, which is consistent with the idea of Techninjas.
Techwear is streetwear adjacent, and its sleek lines and cuts are suited to the modernity of urban living. You would most likely see people living with a streetwear aesthetic in bigger cities. This subculture is more focused on uniformity, manoeuvrability, and functionality. However, there are common style motifs found in Techwear that make it stand out, such as a high number of straps and pockets, or hoods. Loose-fitting clothing, particularly trousers, are also common.
Some of our products, such as our Banned Strap Zip Off Trousers or Third Identity Velocity Combat Camo Maxi Skirt, have dual functions. Both have hidden zips that transform the item into either shorts or a mini-skirt. This fits into the Techwear ideals of practicality and function - a unique design feature functions in a way that allows one garment to have two different silhouettes. Both of these items also have multiple functional pockets, and straps or chains hanging from the garment. Our winter boots, like our Dr Martens range, are fashionable but practical; they have deep treads and heat-sealed stitching to ensure they are durable and waterproof. Although the Techwear aesthetic may appear intimidating and difficult to get into, enjoyers of the fashion style say it is all about slowly building your collection and appreciating the clothes you have; buying clothes with multiple functions and a lot of practicality should also make them more wearable in varying situations.
We hope you enjoyed this style breakdown and feel inspired to experiment with your aesthetic. Let us know if you’ve never even heard of Techwear before, or if you’re an avid Techwear fan over on our social media.