Daith Piercing Jewellery

Barbells (21)
BCR (10)
Labret (1)
Piercing Ring (36)
1.0 x 8mm (5)
1.0 x 10mm (2)
1.0 x 12mm (1)
1.2 x 6mm (7)
1.2 X 8mm (38)
1.2 x 8mm (38)
1.2 x 10mm (21)
1.2 x 12mm (4)
1.6 x 6mm (3)
1.6 x 8mm (8)
1.6 x 10mm (8)
1.6 x 12mm (3)
2 x 19mm (1)
1.2mm (1)
8mm (1)
10mm (1)
Bar Colour
Black (6)
Blue (2)
Gold (26)
Multicoloured (2)
White Gold (3)
Pink (1)
Purple (2)
Silver (27)
Gem Colour
Pink (3)
Purple (1)
Transparent (7)
Black (1)
Blue (1)
Gold (1)
Jewellery Type
Curved Barbell (17)
Seamless Ring (1)
Jewellery Gauge
0.8mm/21g (2)
1.0mm/18g (6)
1.2mm/16g (51)
1.6mm/14g (11)
2.0mm/12g (1)
Jewellery Diameter / Length
6mm (13)
10mm (35)
8mm (55)
12mm (7)
19mm (1)
Jewellery Material
Polished Titanium (3)
14K Gold (4)
Black Titanium (2)
Coloured Titanium (6)
Rose Gold (3)
Surgical Steel (25)
Steel (5)
Plasma Gold (12)
9ct Gold (9)
Titanium (2)

Daith Piercing Jewellery

71 products found.
Per Page
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Black Surgical Steel 1.2mm Daith Heart Ring, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm Daith Heart Ring (Black)
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 10mm Gold Daith Heart Ring, Bodu Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 10mm Daith Heart Ring (Gold)
Blue Banana Silver Surgical Steel 1.2mm Daith Heart Ring, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm Daith Heart Ring (Silver)
Blue Banana Rainbow Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Rainbow)
Blue Banana Blue Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Blue)
Blue Banana Purple Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Purple)
Blue Banana Rainbow Polished Titanium 1.2mm Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Rainbow)
Blue Banana Purple Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Purple)
Blue Banana Blue Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Blue)
Blue Banana Black Surgical Steel 1.2mm Seamless Ring, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm Seamless Ring (Black)
Blue Banana Silver Coloured Surgical Steel 1.2mm Seamless Ring, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm Seamless Ring (Silver)
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm Silver Coloured Segment Ring, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm Segment Ring (Silver)
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.6mm Silver Coloured Segment Ring, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.6mm Segment Ring (Silver)
Blue Banana Siilver Polished Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Silver)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.6mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Gold)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Gold)
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Black)
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.2mm Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Black)
Surgical Steel 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Crystal Flower Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Hoop Jewellery
Blue Banana Crystal Flower Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Crystal Squares Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Hoop
Blue Banana Crystal Squares Surgical Steel Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
3 Large Crystals Rose Gold Segment Ring | Septum Clicker
Blue Banana 3 Large Crystals 1.2mm Rose Gold Segment Ring (Rose Gold)
Surgical Steel Jet Black Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Jet Black)
A daith piercing is an ear piercing that is located in the daith ear cartilage fold of the ear. This piercing has become very popular in recent years, amounting to being one of the most popular types of piercings which we perform at Blue Banana. Not only does a daith piercing give you the ability to accessorise your ear with more eye-catching accessories, it is also said to provide a range of health benefits due to its unique placement on the ear. 

Daith Piercings Near Me 

If you’ve done your research on ear cartilage piercings and have decided to settle with a daith, we wouldn’t blame you. This stunning cartilage piercing is a subtle, yet essential ear piercing if you’re looking to go all out with your ears. Unlike some standard piercings where you may be restricted to a singular type of barbell, we have a variety of options jewellery available including a daith piercing heart

The daith piercing is placed at the root of the helix, using a curved needle to pass through the ear's innermost fold of cartilage to rest in the shell of the ear. Unfortunately, not everyone can have a daith piercing, as you must have well-developed cartilage in order to achieve a piercing with adequate depth. 

This piercing can be slightly tricky to place correctly, so it's advisable to visit a piercer with plenty of experience in performing this particular piercing! 

If you really have your heart set on a daith ear piercing, Blue Banana is the perfect place to get it done. With over 20 years of piercing experience and professionally qualified staff, we have the skills and knowledge to perform your piercing and provide answers to all your burning questions. 

Daith Piercing 

FAQs Some of the most common daith piercing info questions we receive are: 
  • What is the average daith piercing healing time? 
Due to the area around the ear where the daith piercing is performed, healing time may vary. With many cartilage piercings, the normal healing time for a daith piercing is between 3 to 9 months. In order to speed up the healing time of the piercings, it’s important to maintain good hygiene and regularly clean the piercing, especially during the first few weeks. Being vigilant with your routine is the key, as well as avoiding unnecessary physical contact. 
  • What is the daith piercing cost
In the UK the daith piercing cost is between £30-£35 depending on the studio and the type of jewellery you choose to be pierced with. 
  • Is daith piercing pain strong? 
Although some describe ear piercings as one of the least painful to have, the same cannot be said for cartilage. Most people report that the daith piercing is around a 5/10 on the pain scale, comparable with a nostril piercing. It's worth bearing in mind that everyone experiences pain differently, so this 'pain rating' is purely anecdotal. 

Some throbbing, swelling and bleeding is to be expected following a daith piercing, though if you experience any abnormal levels of pain or discomfort, it's important to seek medical attention immediately. 

Daith Piercing For Migraine 

Chances are if you know anything about this type of piercing you would have briefly heard about daith piercing migraine effects. Although this piercing is incredibly popular due to its unique placement within your ear cartilage, it’s also become highly sought after due to its potential health benefits. Some of the reasons people have chosen to try a daith piercing are: 
  • Daith Piercings For Migraine
  • Daith Piercings For Anxiety
  • Daith Piercings For Headaches 
There is plenty of anecdotal evidence from customers which support this theory with many accounts of migraines being far less frequent or intense. The reason for this is notably due to the area of the ear cartilage that is pierced. Similar to acupuncture treatment, a form of Chinese medicine which targets the body’s pressure points, the daith piercing is directly pierced through a pressure point of the ear targeting the auricle branch of the vagus nerve. 

Even though there is still limited evidence that this piercing could actually help sufferers, with such a large amount of anecdotal evidence supporting them, many people think it is simply worth trying and enjoy the aesthetic effect of such an attractive piercing. 

Daith Piercing Jewellery 

The daith piercing can accommodate a wide variety of jewellery, due to its unique inner ear placement. 

Popular jewellery choices include: 
  • Heart Daith Piercing 
  • Heart Shaped Rings 
  • Curved Barbells 
  • Circular Barbells 
  • Ball Closure Rings (BCRs) 
  • Captive Bead Rings (CBRs) 
Typically, 1.2mm/16 gauge jewellery is used in the piercing process, though smaller or larger jewellery can be worn once the piercing has fully healed. If you plan to wear jewellery of a larger gauge, we recommend discussing this prior to getting the piercing. You can also visit one of our stores and pay a visit to one of our piercers.