Genital Piercing Jewellery

Barbells (33)
BCR (15)
Piercing Ring (2)
1.0 x 8mm (1)
1.0 x 12mm (1)
1.2 x 6mm (6)
1.2 X 8mm (22)
1.2 x 8mm (22)
1.2 x 10mm (12)
1.2 x 12mm (3)
1.6 x 6mm (3)
1.6 x 8mm (6)
1.6 x 10mm (11)
1.6 x 12mm (11)
1.6 x 14mm (10)
1.6 x 16mm (6)
1.6 x 18mm (2)
1.6 x 20mm (7)
1.6 x 22mm (9)
1.6 x 30mm (7)
1.6 x 35mm (9)
1.6 x 40mm (8)
1.6 x 45mm (1)
2 x 19mm (1)
2.4 x 10mm (1)
2.4 x 14mm (2)
2.4 x 16mm (2)
2.4 x 19mm (2)
2.4 x 22mm (2)
3.2 x 12mm (1)
4 x 10mm (1)
Bar Colour
Black (5)
Blue (4)
Gold (7)
Multicoloured (3)
White Gold (1)
Pink (2)
Purple (3)
Silver (23)
Turquoise (1)
Gem Colour
Pink (2)
Purple (1)
Transparent (1)
Black (1)
Blue (1)
Jewellery Type
Curved Barbell (16)
Seamless Ring (1)
Jewellery Gauge
1.0mm/18g (1)
1.2mm/16g (26)
1.6mm/14g (18)
2.0mm/12g (1)
2.4mm/10g (3)
3.2mm/7g (1)
4mm/6g (1)
Jewellery Diameter / Length
6mm (10)
10mm (27)
8mm (34)
12mm (13)
14mm (9)
16mm (9)
18mm (4)
19mm (3)
30mm (8)
35mm (8)
40mm (8)
20mm (7)
22mm (10)
Jewellery Material
Polished Titanium (4)
14K Gold (3)
Black Titanium (3)
Coloured Titanium (13)
Rose Gold (1)
Surgical Steel (14)
Steel (6)
Plasma Gold (5)
Titanium (1)

Genital Piercing Jewellery

51 products found.
Per Page
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.2mm Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.2mm Barbell (Black)
Banana Black Titanium 1.6mm Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Black)
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Black Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Black)
Blue Banana Blue Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Blue)
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 2.4mm BCR, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 2.4mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Blue Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Purple)
Blue Banana Purple Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Barbell (Rainbow)
Blue Banana Blue Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Blue)
Blue Banana Purple Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Purple)
Blue Banana Blue Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Blue)
Blue Banana Rainbow Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Rainbow)
Blue Banana Purple Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell
Blue Banana Coloured Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Purple)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2.4mm Silver BCR, Body Jewellery UK
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2.4mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Gold)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.6mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Gold)
Blue Banana Silver Polished Titanium 1.2mm Barbell, Body Piercings
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 1.2mm Barbell (Silver)
Surgical Steel Jet Black Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Jet Black)
Surgical Steel Amethyst Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Amethyst)
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Fuchsia BCR, Piercing
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Fuchsia)
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Rose BCR, Piercing Hoop
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Rose)
Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR
Steel 1.2mm Capri Ball Curved Barbell, Eyebrow Jewellery
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Capri Ball)
Steel 1.2mm Rose Ball Curved Barbell, Daith Piercing
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Rose Ball)

There are many types of genital piercings for males and females but your anatomy may determine which piercings are suitable for you. Here are the most common types of genital piercings

Types of male genital piercing

  • Ampallang Piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally through the head of the penis, above or below the urethra. 
  • Apadravya Piercing: This piercing is placed vertically through the head of the penis. 
  • Dydoe Piercing: This piercing is placed vertically through the coronal ridge. 
  • Foreskin Piercing: This piercing passes through the foreskin and can therefore only be performed on uncircumcised men. 
  • Frenum Piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally across the base of the penis. 
  • Hafada Piercing: This is a surface piercing which can be placed anywhere on the scrotal sack. 
  • Lorum Piercings: This piercing is placed horizontally where the penis shaft and scrotum meet. 
  • Pubic Piercing: This piercing is placed at the base of the penis where the body and genitals meet. 
  • Prince Albert Piercing: This piercing is placed on the underside of the penis and exits through the urethra. 

Types of female genital piercings

  • VCH Clitoral Hood Piercing: This piercing is placed vertically through the clitoral hood. 
  • HCH Clitoral Hood Piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally through the clitoral hood. 
  • Inner Labia Piercing: This piercing is placed on the inner labia, usually in a pair. 
  • Outer Labia Piercing: This piercing is placed on the outer labia, usually in a pair. 
  • Triangle Piercing: This piercing is placed horizontally below the clitoris. 
  • Fourchette Piercing: This piercing is placed through the skin between the anus and vagina with the second hole in the lip of the vagina. 
  • Princess Diana Piercing: This piercing features two bars placed at diagonal angles through the clitoral hood. 
  • Princess Albertina Piercing: This piercing enters through the urethra and exits through the vaginal opening. 
  • Clitoris Piercing: This piercing goes through the clitoris and is extremely rare. 
  • Christina Piercing: This is a surface piercing that is placed above the labia but below the pubic mound. 


As this is such an intimate form of piercing, anyone who is contemplating a genital piercing should talk to their piercer, making sure the piercer is experienced in genital piercings before going ahead with the process. They will talk you through the whole process, including how to correctly care for the piercing afterwards. Often genital piercings require you to have a consultation with your piercer before having them done in order to discuss the health and safety as well as check if your anatomy is suitable for the piercing. They will only be able to discuss genital piercings with you once you are of the appropriate age and will require another member of Blue Banana staff to be present for safeguarding reasons during the piercing procedure. The member of staff will be the same gender as you and will be there to protect both you and the piercer.  

How long do genital piercings take to heal? 

How long genital piercings take to heal depends on what type of piercing you have. Male genital piercings can take anything from 2–6 months to heal, while the popular Prince Albert piercing only takes 6-10 weeks. Female genital piercings are faster to heal because of the type of tissue they are pierced through. Most female genital piercings will be fully healed after 4-8 weeks however some take 3-4 months. The Christina piercing has the longest healing time at 6-9 months. 

The male genital piercing options usually take several months to heal which means you will need to be diligent with your aftercare routine. You will need to clean the piercing twice a day with a saltwater solution or Tea Tree Oil. You may find that your piercing initially bleeds or bruises; this is perfectly normal as long as it is not excessive. Make sure to take care not to knock your new piercing as this can cause the healing process to take longer. If you need to relieve any discomfort or swelling then you may find it helpful to apply an ice pack to the area. 

Do genital piercings increase sensitivity? 

Many genital piercings do increase sensitivity. The vagina piercing types vary but the two most common placements are on the clitoral hood or on the labia. The labia piercings are simply there for aesthetics and are unlikely to change sensitivity but if you need a confidence boost in the way you look then many women report that a labia piercing will help you to feel great. The clitoral hood piercings (VCH, HCH, Princess Diana, and Triangle) have the added benefit of offering the potential to increase pleasure. The idea is that the piercing is placed so that is it touching the clitoris. Piercing the clitoris itself is a very unusual form of female genital piercing as many find that this causes too much sensitivity. 

Male genital piercings can increase sensitivity in both the wearer and their partner through contact with the jewellery. In particular, ring and BCR jewellery are likely to move or turn during sexual activities which is reported to be pleasurable for both the wearer and their partner. 

Are genital piercings safe? 

Genital piercings are safe if carried out by a professional piercer and cared for correctly. Improper aftercare can lead to piercing infections which must be treated by your doctor. It is important to know the risks of genital piercings as sometimes they can cause nerve damage and therefore reduce sensitivity. The best way to ensure you are putting yourself at as little risk as possible is by visiting a piercer who is experienced in performing genital piercing types as they will be able to ensure the placement is correct and the piercing is carried out safely.  

While is essential that you have considered all the risks and have all the information you need about your genital piercing, it is important to enjoy your new piercing too. Some people find a thrill in knowing that they have a secret hidden piercing and one of the best ways to enjoy your new look is to try out a range of genital piercing jewellery. Once your genital piercing has fully healed you can have fun switching up the colour and design of your piercing, just make sure you choose the right size.