Smiley Piercing Jewellery

Barbells (2)
BCR (9)
Piercing Ring (8)
1.0 x 8mm (5)
1.0 x 10mm (3)
1.0 x 12mm (1)
1.2 X 8mm (13)
1.2 x 8mm (13)
1.2 x 10mm (2)
1.2 x 12mm (1)
1.6 x 8mm (2)
1.6 x 10mm (2)
1.6 x 12mm (1)
2 x 19mm (1)
Bar Colour
Black (1)
Gold (10)
Multicoloured (1)
Silver (11)
Gem Colour
Pink (2)
Purple (1)
Transparent (5)
Black (1)
Blue (1)
Gold (1)
Jewellery Gauge
1.0mm/18g (5)
1.2mm/16g (15)
1.6mm/14g (2)
2.0mm/12g (1)
Jewellery Diameter / Length
6mm (1)
10mm (8)
8mm (20)
12mm (2)
19mm (1)
Jewellery Material
Polished Titanium (3)
14K Gold (2)
Black Titanium (1)
Coloured Titanium (1)
Rose Gold (1)
Surgical Steel (8)
Plasma Gold (6)
Titanium (1)

Smiley Piercing Jewellery

23 products found.
Per Page
Surgical Steel 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring (Silver)
Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Steel 1.2mm Double Skull BCR
Surgical Steel Amethyst Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Amethyst)
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Rose BCR, Piercing Hoop
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Rose)
Surgical Steel Flat Jewelled Fuchsia BCR, Piercing
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Fuchsia)
Surgical Steel Jet Black Flat Jewelled BCR, Piercing
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Jet Black)
Flat Crystal Jewelled 1.2mm X 8mm  BCR, Ball Closure Ring, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Crystal)
Flat Zircon Blue Jewelled 1.2mm x 8 BCR, Ball Closure Ring, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.2mm x 8mm Flat Jewelled BCR (Zircon)
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.0mm Rose Gold Plated BCR, Body Piercing UK
Blue Banana Surgical Steel 1.0mm Gold Plated BCR (Rose)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 2 x 19mm BCR (Silver)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 10mm 3 Almond Stones Hinged Segment Ring | Hoop
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 10mm 3 Almond Stones Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm Wide Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm Wide Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm Eternity Ring Hinged Segment Ring | Jewellery
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm Eternity Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm 10 Square Stones Hinged Segment Ring | Hoop
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm 10 Square Stones Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm 2 Row Stones Hinged Segment Ring | Piercing Hoop
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2 x 8mm 2 Row Stones Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Plasma Gold 1.2mm Curved Barbell | Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Plasma Gold 1.2mm Curved Barbell (Gold)
Polished Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell | Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Silver)
Gold 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring | PIercing Jewellery
Blue Banana 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Black 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring | Hoop Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring (Black)
Rainbow 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring | Hoop Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana 1.0mm Hinged Segment Ring (Rainbow)
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 X 8mm Snake Hinged Segment Ring (Clear)| Body Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 x 8mm Snake Hinged Segment Ring (Clear)
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 x 8mm Twisted Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)| Body Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana 14K Gold 1.2 x 8mm Twisted Hinged Segment Ring (Gold)
Blue Banana Silver Polished Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell, Piercing Jewellery
Blue Banana Polished Titanium 1.6mm Curved Barbell (Silver)
The smiley piercing gets its name because it won’t be visible until you smile. It is hidden in the lip frenulum which attaches the gum to the lips. Depending on your anatomy and piercing jewellery size the smiley piercing may be visible all the time, only when you smile, or only if you lift your upper lip. Alternative names for the smiley piercing include:  
  • Gum piercing 
  • Lip frenulum piercing 
  • Mouth piercing 
  • Scrumper Piercing 
How bad does a smiley piercing hurt? 

According to most people, a smiley piercing does not hurt much. The smiley piercing pain is considered to be one of the least painful lip piercings. The thin membrane used for the smiley piercing could be the reason why many say that this piercing has a similar amount of pain as a lobe piercing, and is definitely less painful than cartilage piercings. The smiley piercing hurts after being pierced due to swelling but this should not last more than a couple of days. 

How long do smiley piercings last? 

The Smiley piercing healing rates vary depending on your individual body, however, the average time frame is anywhere between 2-3 months. Once they are healed smiley piercings can last from a few months to years. The thin membrane of the lip frenulum means that some people find that over time the piercing will start to reject. 

Is a smiley piercing bad for your teeth? 

Smiley piercing can be bad for your teeth if you do not maintain good oral hygiene or you are wearing large piercing jewellery. Smiley piercing teeth damage can be caused by large piercing jewellery or other jewellery attachments which knock and rub against the teeth, causing enamel damage. You will also need to check your gum health frequently. Make sure to keep the area around your smiley piercing clean and look out for signs of redness or receding of the gums. If you do think your teeth or gum health is being affected then consult your piercer for advice.  

How much does a smiley piercing cost? 

The average cost of a smiley piercing is £35 - £40. The price of your smiley piercing will depend on the piercing jewellery you choose. We recommend paying the extra cost for high quality piercing jewellery as this will help your piercing to heal. Remember, the pricing sometimes reflects the experience of the piercer so make sure you choose a reputable piercing studio to safely carry out your smiley piercing. 

Can you hide smiley piercings? 

If you want to hide your smiley piercing you can use smaller piercing jewellery so that it doesn’t show past the line of your lips. Your anatomy will also determine how much of your smiley piercing will show. You may find that your smiley piercing will be hidden unless you smile (hence the name) or you may have to move your upper lip to reveal your piercing therefore leaving it hidden most of the time. 

How soon can you change your smiley piercing? 

You should not change your smiley piercing until it has fully healed which takes between 4-12 weeks. It important to wait until after the smiley piercing healing time as any movement to the new piercing could cause trauma to the piercing wound. Smiley piercing healing is relatively quick so you won’t need to wait long to change your smiley piercing but if you are unsure, we recommend leaving your piercing an extra month before changing your jewellery to ensure it has fully healed. If you need help to change your smiley piercing jewellery or aren’t sure if your piercing is fully healed then head to a Blue Banana piercing studio. 

How do you brush your teeth with a smiley piercing? 

After your smiley piercing has healed, you can move your piercing jewellery up so that you can brush your front teeth. Move the toothbrush slowly around the front teeth to prevent your jewellery from getting caught. We recommend gently brushing the gum and piercing jewellery to dislodge any food build-up and to keep gums healthy. While the piercing is healing, you won’t be able to move your piercing jewellery so you may find it easier to gently brush vertically with a soft toothbrush on your front teeth and gums. 

How do I know if my smiley piercing is rejecting? 

If your smiley piercing is rejecting you may notice the piercing jewellery getting closer to the edge of the skin or the holes of your piercing getting larger. It can look like a smiley piercing gone wrong because the jewellery may start to become crooked (check first that this isn’t because of swelling). We know it can be disappointing if your piercing starts rejecting after you have tried your best to heal it but sometimes the body will try to push out the jewellery no matter what you do. If you think this is happening then consult your piercer.  

Can you kiss with a smiley piercing? 

During the initial healing, you cannot kiss with a smiley piercing. Once your piercing has healed you can kiss as much as you like. All types of kissing could potentially cause your smiley piercing to have issues while healing. The pressure from the lips may knock the piercing which shouldn’t be moved during healing. Kissing also introduces bacteria into the mouth which can have harmful effects on a healing piercing. 

Can I smoke with a smiley piercing? 

We strongly advise against smoking during the healing time for a smiley piercing. Smoking can dry out the mouth and introduce bacteria and chemicals into the mouth. This includes any type of cigarette or E-cigarette. After your piercing has healed you can smoke with a smiley piercing. Make sure the piercing wound is fully healed to prevent any problems if you do want to smoke. The healing time for a smiley piercing is 4-12 weeks. 

Want to change your smiley piercing jewellery? At Blue Banana we stock a range of piercing jewellery styles, sizes and colours so that you can customize your smiley piercing any way you want. 

For more information and FAQs about piercings check out our Piercing Guides.