Hair Dye Colours

Orange (7)
Pink (20)
Purple (19)
Black (4)
Blue (26)
Green (15)
Brown (2)
Red (19)
White (2)
Silver (9)
Yellow (8)
Blue Banana (3)
Crazy Color Hair Dye (83)
La Riche Directions (88)
Manic Panic (77)
Splat (1)
Stargazer (6)
Manic Panic Amplified (6)
Manic Panic Classic (49)
Manic Panic Creamtones (5)
Hair Product
Color Depositing Conditioner (4)
Colour Hair Spray (4)
Hair Bleach Kit (2)
Semi Permanent Hair Dye (228)
Shampoo For Cloloured Hair (3)
Conditioner For Coloured Hair (3)
Hair Toner (4)
Vegan Friendly
Yes (246)
No (4)

Hair Dye Colours

258 products found.
Per Page
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi Permanent Purple Haze Hair Dye
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Purple Haze)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Hot Hot Pink Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Hot Hot Pink)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Pillarbox Red Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Pillarbox Red)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Enchanted Forest Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Enchanted Forest)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Psychedelic Sunset Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Psychedelic Sunset)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Shocking Blue Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Shocking Blue)
Super Saver Bleach Kit for Pre-Lightening Hair, 30 Vol Peroxide Kit
Super Saver Bleach Kit For Prelightening Hair (30 Volume)
La Riche Antique Mauve Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Antique Mauve)
La Riche Fluorescent Green Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Fluorescent Green)
La Riche Fluorescent Lime Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Fluorescent Lime)
La Riche Deep Purple Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Deep Purple)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Electric Lizard Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Electric Lizard)
La Riche Pastel Blue Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Pastel Blue)
La Riche Pastel Rose Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Pastel Rose)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Cotton Candy Pink Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Cotton Candy Pink)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Vampire Red Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Vampire Red)
La Riche Peach Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Peach)
La Riche Stormy Grey Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Stormy Grey)
La Riche Sunflower Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Sunflower)
La Riche Slate Grey Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Slate)
La Riche Ultra Violet Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Ultra Violet)
La Riche Directions Fluorescent Orange Hair Dye - Semi-Permanent Vegan Colour
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Fluorescent Orange)
La Riche Directions Spring Green Hair Dye | Semi-Permanent Vegan Colour
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Spring Green)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Lie Locks Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Lie Locks)

One of the biggest decisions when it comes to how you look is the choice of hair dye colours. Although it might not seem like a big deal, the colour of your hair can change everything about your style, wardrobe and even your personality! At Blue Banana, we’re dedicated to making sure that you make the right choice when it comes to colour which is why we’ve provided our customers with a wide range of different shades and tones.

In our range of coloured hair dye, there is everything from pastel pink to natural brown, so you’re guaranteed to find the stylish shade that you desire. If you find yourself asking "what hair colour suits me” or just want to weigh up the options, we’re here to help you learn everything there is to know about choosing your hair dye. The first choice that you have to make is whether you’re looking for a natural hair colour, something bright and colourful or a lighter pastel look.

Getting a natural hair colour is the best option for those who are looking to swap their natural hair for another believable colour and is best for those whose work or regular life would prevent a vibrant colour. The bright colours are better for those who want to make a strong impact with other people. If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd then this is definitely the best choice for you. Alternatively, if you like the idea of an otherwise unnatural colour but aren’t looking for an intense shade then pastel hair colours will give you both. The shade is more saturated so it is noticeable without making you the centre of everyone’s attention.

Once you’ve decided on the type of hair colour dye you’re searching for, it is time to start thinking about which colours will best suit your look. Here are a few options that are available to you when picking your hair dye.

  • Red Hair Dye – This is one of the more versatile colour hair dyes available. The bright, natural and pastel red dyes are available to produce the exact colour you are trying to achieve. A darker deep red hair dye will allow you to have a natural hair colour while also straying from the more common shades of natural hair. The brighter reds are a fiery colour that stands out nicely against the natural colours of other people.
  • Blue Hair Dye – Getting a blue hair effect is another great option for those who are looking for pastel or bright hair colours. Something like a blue steel colour will give you the perfect pastel silver-blue colour that makes a cool impression. Even the dark blue hair colours are excellent as bright hair colour looks as they’re so vibrantly unnatural in colour.
  • Purple Hair Dye – Another great colour that is just like the blue with plenty of pastel choices including lilac and lavender hair dye effects. These hair tint colours are perfect for summer hairstyles when the sun is shining. For those who are looking for bright colours, a hot purple hair dye is great as not many people try to use this colour making it less likely that you will meet someone with the same hair colour as you.
  • Pink Hair Dye – This colour is a favourite for those who like the pastel effect as the light colour makes it easier to achieve a saturated colour in a variety of different shades from candy floss to marshmallow.
  • Orange Hair Dye – This is another colourful way to get a natural hair colour effect. There are plenty of different ginger tones that can be added to blonde or light brown hair for a natural effect including copper and auburn tones.

Once you’ve made your colour choice, it is time for you to look through the relevant section to find the shade and tone that you need. Choosing the shade and tone of your favourite colour can result in a surprisingly showing difference. The light colours will have a more energetic effect on your look whereas the darker colours will give the impression of sophistication. You can also choose from any of the hair colour shades in the spectrum of shades for your chosen colour. Take a closer look at our colour sections to find out more!

Of course, you don’t just have to stick to one colour. Being adventurous is one of the best parts of dyeing your hair and we want to help you find the right combination. If you’re looking at mixing colours, we recommend looking at a colour wheel and consider choosing contrasting colours. For example, orange and blue are both great colour hair dye colours that look great together. If you’re looking for more ideas, check out our blog as we are always introducing our customers to new and exciting colour choices and combinations.

Most of the options available on our website are semi-permanent hair dye which has several advantages over the permanent variety. Firstly, the chemical composition is generally safer on your hair and your safety is the top priority when making the change to a new colour. It also gives you license to experiment as the dye will fade away within a few weeks allowing you to try out a completely different look. So whether you’re looking for hair dye colours for men or hair dye colours for women you will be able to determine whichever colour looks best on you without ruining your hair.

At Blue Banana, we are dedicated to providing the best quality hair dye brands for you. Whether you’re in the mood for a vibrant colour effect like the Manic Panic range or a rich La Riche Directions effect, you can get what you need. A number of the brands in our collection are Vegan-friendly so you don’t have to compromise on your morals for a colourful new hairstyle. If you would like to get a fun colour but on a one-time basis then our hair colour brands like Stargazer and Splat provide hair gels and hair chalks that allow you to make a big difference to your hair that will simply wash away when you want to get rid of it.

With so many options available to you, there is nothing left but to start making your decisions for your new and exciting hair colour effect.