Hair Dye

Orange (7)
Pink (20)
Purple (19)
Black (4)
Blue (26)
Green (15)
Brown (2)
Red (19)
White (2)
Silver (7)
Yellow (9)
Blue Banana (7)
Crazy Color Hair Dye (89)
La Riche Directions (86)
Manic Panic (82)
Stargazer (6)
Hair Product
Color Depositing Conditioner (4)
Colour Hair Spray (3)
Hair Bleach Kit (2)
Semi Permanent Hair Dye (224)
Shampoo For Cloloured Hair (10)
Conditioner For Coloured Hair (5)
Hair Toner (4)
Manic Panic Amplified (6)
Manic Panic Classic (48)
Manic Panic Creamtones (5)
Dye Duration
4-6 weeks (5)
2-6 weeks (151)
6-8 washes (74)
1-2 Washes (3)
Hair Dye Pack Size
Large Single Pot (8oz) (9)
Single Pack (160)
Four Pack (76)
Vegan Friendly
Yes (248)
No (8)

Hair Dye

270 products found.
Per Page
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi-Permanent Pink Hair Dye | Pink Hair Colour
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ML (Pussycat Pink)
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi-Permanent Blue Hair Dye | Blue Hair Colour
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ML (Twilight Blue)
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi-Permanent Green Hair Dye | Green Hair Colour
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ML (Sea Goddess)
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi-Permanent Pink Hair Dye | Pink Hair Colour
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ML (Pink Warrior)
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi-Permanent Red Hair Dye | Red Hair Colour
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ML (Divine Wine)
La Riche Directions Plum Colour Hair Dye, Hair Dye UK 100ml
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Plum)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Hot Hot Pink Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Hot Hot Pink)
Crazy Color Pinkissimo Hair Dye | Semi Permanent Colour
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 100ml (Pinkissimo)
Crazy Color Toxic UV Hair Dye, Bright Green Colour UK
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 100ml (Toxic UV)
Manic Panic Green Venus Love Color | Coloured Hair Conditioner
Manic Panic Love Color Depositing Conditioner For Coloured Hair (Green Venus)
Manic Panic Red Desire Love Color | Coloured Hair Conditioner
Manic Panic Love Color Depositing Conditioner For Coloured Hair (Red Desire)
Manic Panic Teal Temptress Love Color | Coloured Hair Conditioner
Manic Panic Love Color Depositing Conditioner For Coloured Hair (Teal Temptress)
Manic Panic Yellow Heart Love Color | Coloured Hair Conditioner
Manic Panic Love Color Depositing Conditioner For Coloured Hair (Yellow Heart)
Manic Panic Pink Passion Love Color | Coloured Hair Conditioner
Manic Panic Love Color Depositing Conditioner For Coloured Hair (Pink Passion)
Manic Panic Rock Me Red Love Color | Coloured Hair Conditioner
Manic Panic Love Color Depositing Conditioner For Coloured Hair (Rock Me Red)
Manic Panic Blue Valentine Love Color | Colored Hair Conditioner
Manic Panic Love Color Depositing Conditioner For Coloured Hair (Blue Valentine)
La Riche Directions Midnight Blue Hair Dye | Vegan Semi-Permanent Colour
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Midnight Blue)
Manic Panic Amplified Semi Permanent Hot Hot Pink Colour Hair Dye, Hair Dye UK
Manic Panic Amplified Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 118ml (Hot Hot Pink)
Crazy Color Lavender Hair Dye | Semi Permanent Colour
Crazy Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye 100ml (Lavender)
La Riche Directions Violet Hair Dye | Semi-Permanent Colour
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 100ml (Violet)
La Riche Antique Mauve Directions Hair Dye | Blue Banana UK
La Riche Directions Colour Hair Dye 88ml (Antique Mauve)
Manic Panic High Voltage Semi Permanent Purple Haze Hair Dye
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Purple Haze)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Pillarbox Red Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Pillarbox Red)
Manic Panic Semi Permanent Enchanted Forest Hair Dye | Classic High Voltage
Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Colour Hair Dye 118ml (Enchanted Forest)
More popular than ever, bright hair dye has the ability to totally transform your look from boring to eye-catching, and with hair colour being used so widely as a fashion statement, semi permanent hair colours have been created by a wide range of brands, so you’re sure to find something to suit you.

If your bright hair dye is letting you down, or perhaps you are thinking about using hair colour for the first time, there are many brands to choose from, including Manic Panic and Directions hair dyes from La Riche. Both of these brands are well known for their bright, powerful colours which are sure to get you noticed.

Stunning Bright Hair Dye To Change Your Style

The popularity of bright hair dye continues to grow, and has developed from the traditional method of simply applying the hair colour to the entire head, to a more modern and calculated approach to hair dying. Highlighting, where lighter colours of hair dye are used to create streaks, and lowlighting, where hair is streaked with a darker shade, are now the two most popular forms of hair dying.

Coming in three main forms, bold hair dye is available as permanent, semi permanent and temporary, with each type having its only advantages and disadvantages. Clearly, permanent dye is the best type of hair colour to cover grey hairs or to provide the longest level of bright colour for your head, although it also the type of colouring which contains the most chemicals.

Three Bright Types Of Hair Dye To Transform Your Style

Semi permanent bright hair dye such as the ones in the Manic Panic range of hair colour usually last around six weeks, although the length of time they stay powerful is down to the amount of shampooing and conditioning they are exposed to, with many people opting to use dry shampoo as an alternative between washes to prolong their colour.

We’ve got the biggest brands in our range for you to explore, including:
Temporary hair dye is the greatest addition to any party, especially at Halloween and Christmas. It is great to change your look for one night without worrying that the product will have any permanent effects, as they wash out in one shampoo, providing great entertainment and flexibility if you don’t want to change your hair colour permanently!