If you are a fully practicing contemporary Pagan or simply expressing an interest in Pagan rituals, we are going to delve into how to celebrate the Spring Equinox with plenty of witchy tips.
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If you are a fully practicing contemporary Pagan or simply expressing an interest in Pagan rituals, we are going to delve into how to celebrate the Spring Equinox with plenty of witchy tips.
The Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, happens at the time of year when day and night are both roughly 12 hours long, or roughly equal. This is the reasoning behind the Latin derivative of the name Equinox, which is equal night. This phenomenon also occurs later in the year, celebrated as the Autumn Equinox and also known as Mabon. These equinoxes are key events in the contemporary Pagan Wheel of the Year; however, in this blog, we focus on the upcoming Spring Equinox.
This year, the Spring Equinox is occurring on the 20th of March; typically, it takes place between the 19th and the 21st each year (the variation occurs due to time zone differences. In the UK, the Spring Equinox has taken place on the 20th of March over the last decade). As you may already know, the Spring Equinox is associated with rebirth, renewal and creativity; it’s a time to take a step forward following a reflective winter period. Be bold and be decisive about the goals you want to achieve this year; this is the time to begin working hard on achieving them.
Here in the UK, many contemporary druids and pagans who celebrate gather at Stonehenge during the equinoxes and solstices; however, there are smaller ways you can celebrate the equinox without having to make a pilgrimage to the historic site. Modern Paganism is widely accepting, without a particularly wrong or right way to celebrate; it venerates a connection to nature and an awareness of spirituality, and many share the opinion that as long as you are not harming anyone else, then there is no particularly wrong or right way to celebrate. Creativity and appreciation are central.
Whilst observing the Spring Equinox, try to feel your connection to the Earth. It may sound basic, but many of these smaller rituals are: get out in nature. Go for walks, particularly in the early morning or later afternoon and early evening if possible, and appreciate the lengthening days, the natural orders around you. Allow the energy to flow into you and let that buoy you over the following year. Before the 20th arrives, consider what you may want to achieve this year and how you can work towards attaining those goals. Are there any failed New Year's resolutions you want to make a second attempt at? Do you want to make more of an effort to be true to yourself, whether that be through dyeing your hair, changing your clothes and style, or being more outspoken? Let this natural energy course through you and help elevate you to make these changes.
One way to symbolically welcome spring and change into your home is through a great big Spring Clean. Don’t let yourself stagnate; unloved items should be donated, recycled or altered so that they fit into your life again. Embrace changes, from small to large. If there’s something you’ve always felt too shy to wear in public, take that brave step now. Also, consider making a space to acknowledge who and what you are doing this for. Outfit a small area, such as a shelf or part of a desk, to reflect the changing season. Decorate with seasonal flowers, colours and candles as a reminder to take this time to reflect and connect before moving forward.
On the day of the equinox, make the effort to welcome the sunrise. The 6 am morning may not be enjoyable, but the beautiful sight of the sun creeping over the horizon and breaking through the chilly air with its amber rays will be. This is the main reason many travel to celebrate at Stonehenge, but you can achieve this from a nearby nature spot, your garden, or even your bedroom window. Simply appreciate the balance between night and day and the world waking up around you with some mindful engagement. Hearing the early morning chorus from the birds is an uplifting start to any day, and the upcoming longer days bring hope and warmth.
Planting seeds is another great yet small way to connect with nature and the cycle of birth, growth and death around the time of the equinox. Planting seeds is a fantastic representation of the cycles that dominate Pagan ritualism and spiritualism, particularly symbolising rebirth, fertility, creation and new beginnings.
Picking seeds that can be used later (such as herbs or strawberry seeds) will give you a greater sense of gratification later on, and flower seeds will add a great splash of colour and sense of tranquility to your space. It is also worth considering whether you can use the seeds to regrow more next year - keep an eye out for the term ‘open-pollinated.’ Planting seeds that can be regrown is an ideal way to interact physically with the natural cycles of the earth.
Before you plant your seeds, meditate on your intentions for the upcoming year. Write any goals on a piece of paper and plant it with your seeds. Whilst planting, focus on your intentions, your faith and your hope for these upcoming changes. As your plant grows, let it be a physical reminder throughout the year and let it strengthen you!
Invite change into your life through some simple candle magic and manifestation over this period. The colour and length of the candle are said by some to make a difference in your spellwork; however, if this is your first time taking part in candle magic, then I wouldn’t worry too much. This sort of ritual is mostly focused on intent, so pick out your favourite colour or scent and simply ensure you focus when casting.
Each evening leading up to the equinox, think of a goal you want to achieve and speak it aloud as you light your candle. At the same time, visualise the result of your goal. Have you managed to save up for that new piercing you wanted? Imagine how you are feeling at that moment and sit for a few minutes to meditate on this visualisation. Then, as you extinguish the candle, speak aloud a reaffirming phrase such as ‘so be it.’ Take care to be safe around and with open flame.
These rituals align your goals and focus your intentions, opening up your mind and your subconscious to the possibility of change. Opportunities or signs you may have been closed off to and ignored before may now stand out in your mind, allowing them to be taken.
Finally, another popular way to celebrate the Spring Equinox is to gather with loved ones and feast on seasonal foods. During this moment, reflect on your gratefulness for the abundance and power of nature to provide you with such sustenance, both for the soul and body, in a harmonious balance.
Remember, the Spring Equinox is all about change, so why not try something new by following one of these rites? Embrace a change in your life, whether it be big or small, over the coming weeks. Try updating or changing your style, or get that piercing you keep thinking about. Allow this time to fill you with courage to take that final step and change something about yourself or your situation.
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